After-school activities

This translation is a brief summary of the text in Dutch. The full version is available in Dutch.

Are you looking for after-school activities for your child? A wide range of Dutch-speaking activities for infants, children and young people is available in Brussels. 

Activities for children



During the Easter and summer holidays, the VGC organises playgrounds with Dutch-speaking schools in Brussels.
Brede Scholen (community schools)

Brede Scholen (community schools)

Brede Scholen (community schools) are networks of schools and organisations that are committed to providing the best possible development opportunities for children and young people. Among other things, they make sure that children and young people have the chance to take part in interesting activities both during class as well as after school.
Part-time art education

Part-time art education

Part-time art education is free-time education and is better known by the terms music school and art academy.
Childcare outside school initiatives (IBO - Initiatieven buitenschoolse opvang)

Childcare outside school initiatives (IBO - Initiatieven buitenschoolse opvang)

IBOs offer care for school children and are approved by Kind en Gezin (child and family agency). IBOs look after children (before and) after school hours, on Wednesday afternoons, on school-free days and during holiday periods.
Being young in Brussels

Being young in Brussels

The website provides details of Dutch-speaking free-time activities for children and young people in Brussels. It includes activities during the school year and during the holidays.
N22 holiday initiatives

N22 holiday initiatives

The 22 community centres provide interesting and amazing activities for children and young people throughout the year.
Sport in Brussels

Sport in Brussels

Find out about the Dutch-speaking sports provision available in Brussels on the Sport in Brussels website.