This translation is a brief summary of the text in Dutch. The full version is available in Dutch.
If you have any questions or problems, as a parent or pupil your first point of contact is your teacher or care coordinator/pupil supervisor. The school provides wide-ranging basic care for all pupils and extra care for pupils who need it. All the information you need about the pupil guidance policy can be found in the school regulations.
Do you need help other than that which the school can offer? In that case, contact one of the following organisations.
Pupil guidance centres (CLB - Centra voor Leerlingenbegeleiding)
Pupil guidance centres (CLB - Centra voor Leerlingenbegeleiding)
Parents, pupils and teaching staff can contact the CLB free of charge with questions and/or problems. At the CLB, each question is dealt with confidentially.
Help for young people (youth help)
Help for young people (youth help)
A child or young person who has a problem to which they cannot immediately find a solution themselves must be able to obtain youth help easily. This is why the ‘Brede Instap’ services are provided
Leerwinkel (Learning Store)
Leerwinkel (Learning Store)
The Learning Store is available to anyone (from 15 years) who is interested in following Dutch-speaking education in Brussels. You can come here for information, assistance and guidance.
KANS - Centraal Meldpunt Brussel (hotline)
KANS - Centraal Meldpunt Brussel (hotline)
KANS works with pupils, parents, schools and professional caregivers to find the most appropriate support for pupils to prevent them dropping out of school.