Special secondary education

Special secondary education (BUSO) is available for young people in need of specific care. There are various types and forms of special secondary education.

Special secondary education is divided into types:

  • Type basic range: children with a slight mental disability and children with learning difficulties. 
  • Type 2: teenagers with a moderate or severe mental disability
  • Type 3: teenagers with severe emotional or behavioural issues
  • Type 4: teenagers with a physical disability
  • Type 5: teenagers admitted to a hospital or a preventorium
  • Type 6: teenagers with a visual disability
  • Type 7: teenagers with a hearing disability
  • Type 9: teenagers with a disorder on the autism spectrum, without mental impairment

Four forms of training are available for young people from various types:

  • Training form 1: social education
    This form of training provides social training with a view to integration into a sheltered living environment.
  • Training form 2: social education and preparation for work
    This form of training provides a general and social education and work training with a view to integration into a sheltered living and working environment.
  • Training form 3: vocational education
    This form of training provides social education and vocational education with a view to integration into an ordinary living and working environment. Various courses are organised.
  • Training form 4: general, vocational, art and technical education
    This form of training prepares for higher education studies or into the working world. The study programmes correspond to the study programmes in ordinary full-time secondary education.

Also of interest

Registering in special secondary education

Registering in special secondary education

You will find full details on how and when to register your child on the website 'Inschrijven in Brussel' [Registering in a Dutch-speaking school in Brussels].
Onderwijs Vlaanderen (Education Flanders)

Onderwijs Vlaanderen (Education Flanders)

The Dutch-speaking schools in Brussels fall under Onderwijs Vlaanderen. More information about special secondary education is available here.


Kasterlinden is een school voor buitengewoon onderwijs. Er is basisonderwijs, secundair onderwijs en een internaat voor kinderen en jongeren met een visuele of auditieve beperking, een taal- of spraakstoornis, een autismespectrumstoornis of gedragsmoeilijkheden. Kasterlinden heeft ook een ondersteuningsmodel dat ondersteuning biedt in het gewoon onderwijs aan alle doelgroepen.


Zaveldal is een school voor buitengewoon secundair onderwijs voor leerlingen met een attest type basisaanbod (leerlingen met ernstige leerstoornissen of een licht verstandelijke beperking) of type 3 (gedrags- en emotionele stoornissen).
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