Examining Board for secondary education

With the Examining Board for secondary education, you can obtain a certificate or diploma of secondary education at your own pace. 

Studying for the Examining Board involves self-study. No lessons are given or courses made available. The Examining Board only organises exams.

Help with preparation

lift BRUSSEL assists young people from the age of 16 who want to prepare for the Examining Board for secondary education.

This is a Brussels initiative intended for young people and young adults who want to obtain a diploma of secondary education at their own pace, if they have not succeeded in doing so in the ordinary school circuit. 

Also of interest

Onderwijs Vlaanderen (Education Flanders)

Onderwijs Vlaanderen (Education Flanders)

The Onderwijs Vlaanderen website provides more information about the Examining Board for secondary education as well as the conditions, procedure and registration fee.


Lift BRUSSEL targets young people and young adults who want to obtain a diploma of secondary education at their own pace, if they have not succeeded in doing so in the ordinary school circuit.
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