Pupils in nursery, primary and secondary education can go to a boarding school. You pay the cost of your child’s accommodation.
Dutch-speaking boarding schools in Brussels
Don Bosco boarding school
For boys and girls from 10 years of age from the Dutch-speaking education system in the Brussels region
Guldendallaan 90, 1150 Sint-Pieters-Woluwe
T 02 771 99 02 - woluwe.internaat@donbosco.be
www.woluweinternaat.be -
COOVI GO! independent boarding school
For pupils in secondary education
Emile Grysonlaan 1, 1070 Anderlecht
T 02 526 51 52 - jessica.spapens@coovi.be
www.coovi.be/internaat -
De Tuinen GO! independent boarding school
For pupils in elementary and secondary education
Prins Boudewijnstraat 71, 1083 Ganshoren
T 02 428 20 13 - marjonela.berisha@detuinen.be
www.detuinen.be -
GO! De Muze GO! boarding school, Kunsthumaniora Brussel
For pupils in secondary education from all community education schools (possibly other networks, as well) in the Brussels Capital Region, with priority for young people from Kunsthumaniora Brussel
Chrysantenstraat 26, 1020 Brussels (Laken)
T 02 474 06 03 - internaat.demuze@kunsthumaniorabrussel.be
www.kunsthumaniorabrussel.be -
tehuis Etterbeek GO! school
For boys and girls aged 5 to 18
Pater Eudore Devroyestraat 29, 1040 Etterbeek
T 02 734 19 05 - beheerder@tehuisbrussel.be
www.tehuisbrussel.be -
Internaat Brussel boarding school, non-profit association
For young people from 12 to 19 years
de Fiennestraat 81, 1070 Anderlecht
T 02 520 55 70 - intbrussel@gmail.com
Special education boarding schools
- Campus Heemschool - boarding school
For boys and girls from 2.5 to 21 years with a type 2 and 4 moderate and/or severe mental impairment
Beizegemstraat 132, 1120 Brussels (Neder-Over-Heembeek)
T 02 263 63 62 - info.internaat@campusheemschool.be
www.campusheemschool.be -
De Ark Multifunctional Centre (MFC)
After-school and/or (semi-)residential reception and support for children and young people from 5 to 21 years with a slight to moderate mental impairment and/or behavioural issues or emotional problems. Assisted living and daytime support
Ninoofsesteenweg 335, 1070 Anderlecht
T 02 245 56 12 - mieke.craeymeersch@vzwdeark.be
www.dearktelaken.be - Huis in de rij multifunctional centre Levenslust
For boys and girls from 12 to 21 years with a slight mental disability and/or emotional or behavioural issues
Edmond Machtenslaan 49, 1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek
T 02 568 11 00 - info@levenslustvzw.be
www.levenslustvzw.be - Kasterlinden, boarding school
For boys and girls aged 3 to 21 with visual impairments, hearing impairments, speech or language disorders or a disorder on the autism spectrum, who are at school in Kasterlinden or have a link with Kasterlinden
Poolsterstraat 10, 1082 Sint-Agatha-Berchem
T 02 430 68 00 - heidi.hart@kasterlinden-vgc.be
www.kasterlinden.be - Sint-Franciscus Medical Educational Centre - De Rijtak
For young people from 6 to 21 years with a slight mental impairment and/or behavioural and/or emotional issues
Burgersstraat 2, 1070 Anderlecht
T 02 524 62 66 - de.rijtak@mpc-sintfranciscus.be
www.mpc-sintfranciscus.be - Koninklijk Instituut Woluwe Multifunctional Centre
For children from 3 to 13 years with a hearing impairment, a speech or language development disorder or a disorder on the autism spectrum, and for young people from 12 to 21 years with a visual impairment or a disorder on the autism spectrum or with behavioural-emotional disorders
George Henrilaan 278, 1200 Sint-Lambrechts-Woluwe
T 02 735 40 85 - info@kiwoluwe.org