A child or young person who has a problem to which they cannot immediately find a solution themselves must be able to obtain youth help easily. But exactly how and where? That is not always clear. This is why the ‘Brede Instap’ services are provided Young people, parents or those responsible for upbringing can contact these services with any problems affecting young people. The service either provides help itself or refers people to another organisation or service.
All these organisations are directly accessible. Young people and their parents can go there immediately.
‘Brede Instap’ services
Kind en Gezin (Child and family agency)
Pupil guidance centres (CLB - Centra voor Leerlingenbegeleiding)
Centres for General Well-being (CAW - Centra voor Algemeen Welzijnswerk)
Young People’s Advisory Centres (JAC - Jongerenadviescentra)
Centre for Mental Health Care (Centrum voor Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg)
Support Plan Service (Dienst Ondersteuningsplan)
Youth help that is not directly accessible
Sometimes, long-term, intensive and specialised youth assistance is necessary. For example: a boarding school for children with a disability, a foster family, a stay in a youth help facility. In such cases, access is arranged by the intersector gateway.
As parents or a young person, you cannot access this assistance directly. You need permission. We refer to this as youth help that is not directly accessible
Each province has an intersector gateway that provides access to youth help that is not directly accessible. The gateway staff determine who is eligible for what assistance.
Together with a caregiver from the directly accessible youth help, you submit an application to the intersector gateway
In some cases, you can also request access yourself. For this, you have to meet these conditions:
- Are you sure that you need help that you can only obtain via the gateway?
- Are you unable to find a caregiver who will make the application for you?
- Do you have a certificate from a caregiver saying that they cannot help you to submit an application?
- Have you requested mediation between yourself and the caregiver who refused to help submit your application?
- Are there no proceedings in progress at the Youth Care Support Centre (Ondersteuningscentrum Jeugdzorg) or the Child Abuse Trust Centre (Vertrouwenscentrum Kindermishandeling)?